Friday, March 31, 2006


When choosing bloggers for a wisdom site, pick those that have it.
- Jeffucious

I'm not necessarily talking about the other Jeff and I, but perhaps we should have had a schedule of updating the wisdom...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fear and Loathing in Northern Virginia

We have nothing to fear but fear itself, and snakes.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a classic "scaredy cat". I'm afraid of heights, depths, most animals, those Metro grates on the ground, and if I'm honest with myself, the dark. I'm also afraid of more "circumstantial" things, like being arrested for a crime I didn't commit or my wife losing all of her senses and deciding that she doesn't love me anymore (I know, how unlikely is THAT). So, this begs the question, what are YOU afraid of??

Maybe the Wisdom of Jeffucious can provide some therapy, since chances are, if you're afraid of it, I am too.

Monday, February 13, 2006

A Picture is Worth at Least 10 Words

Man who hunts with Cheney puts life in scary hands.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Proof of wisdom...

Boredom leads to excessive web surfing. Excessive web surfing eventually leads to Therefore boredom leads to the purchase of a cubicle defender and much maniacal laughter at the expense of others.
- Jeffucious
For those that are lost, in mathematics when A = B, and B = C, then A = C, assuming all statements are true. And yes, I actually do own this cubicle defender, which I originally bought at

I have been bored at work for the last two months. I've had nothing to do, literally, until this week when I traveled to Richmond for a couple of days. That's not to say that there aren't things I could be doing, just nothing that relates to my currently dull job. Does anyone else have any idea how annoying it is to drive to work and then sit and do nothing? I would be more productive by staying at home and practicing Madden '06. But that may all change soon...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Cartoon Network

Methinks political cartoonists are the new WMDs.
That's right. I'm pretty sure that these guys just started WWIII without even knowing it. The sad thing is, the cartoons weren't even THAT funny. Clearly, we have a mathematical dissonance between the dish it/take it ratio for radical Islam. We are actually studying this in my International Communication class, and the verdict is that these protesters are crazy (as per usual). I think Protest Warrior needs to get on the scene, ASAP.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Quick Hello

He who procrastinates, blogs more later.
I don't have a ton of time right now, but just wanted to jump in and say hello (and thanks to Jeff Y. for putting the "guts" of this thing together). I hope everyone gets copious amounts of enjoyment out of this blog.....later.

Why Jeffucious?

Wise man once say, when hear good idea that isn't being done, do it and take credit.
- Jeffucious
Welcome to the introduction of The Wisdom of Jeffucious, an obvious play on Confucius, the Chinese philosopher. Technically Jeff P. came up with the term "Jeffucious" and Leann thought it was funny. So funny, in fact, that she commented that she wouldn't mind reading an entire blog about Jeffucious sayings. I contacted Jeff P. about it, created the blog, and new wisdom now exists. I'll leave it up to the other Jeff to explain what he thinks this blog is about, but as I see it, it's a place for us Jeffs to impart our wisdom in a unique way. Often funny, occasionally serious, but always interesting...hopefully. Feel free to comment on the validity of our wisdom but understand that we probably won't listen to your feeble cries.

Oh, and extra credit to anyone who understands the symbols in the title (hint: it's not hard to figure out).